Week 7 Review: 7/16 - 7/20

In this week much effort was put into being able to compare average window throughput and degree of change. One challenge to overcome was how to scale the throughput data. To best understand the distribution of the average throughput's for every window, we made a histogram using the unscaled throughputs.

It was evident that the magnitudes of the very high throughput dwarfed the small throughput by at least 10^2. Two methods were considered to scale the throughput; apply the reciprocal operation, (^-1), or apply a logarithmic function. The  logarithmic function most evenly represents small throughput and high throughput.

After choosing our scaling method we graphed the log(throughput) with the degree of change over time. From these figures, it seems there is no discernible relationship between degree of change and log(throughput). This was a big step back as Alina and I had to rethink an approach to this project.


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