Fifth Weekend in California

This weekend Tyler and I were left on our own as Alina went home to spend the holidays with her family. We decided to treat this like a catchup weekend. Both of us only spent one day with Alina the first weekend we were here. If you remember I got to walk the Golden Gate Bridge and Tyler hiked to the peak of Inspiration point in Berkeley. So this weekend we would walk the bridge for Tyler Saturday and hike in Berkeley Sunday.
There was also a weekly dance event I was interested in trying. It's called Lindy on Sproul and its a meeting of some local swing dancers with lessons and a social dance hour.  It was Saturday morning so Tyler very graciously agreed to leave for Fransisco later in the day so I could attend this event. I'm so glad I went. It was amazing. During the school year I danced at least once a week at Cedar's swing night, but I haven't danced since school let out. It was incredible to be able to dance again and learn a more west coast style in the process. Everyone was amazing and it's something I'd love to do again if I can. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone at Berkeley!
I left this event a little early, but later than I should've it was hard to leave, to meet Tyler and rush to San Fransisco. We boarded Bart and were so busy planning our day that we missed our transfer, by a lot. We ended up four or five stops passed where we wanted to transfer and had to back track to be on the correct path for San Francisco again. But the stop we got off at had a beautiful statue.
We did eventually make it to San Fransisco. We made it to our bus stop only to realize we had a while to wait. We decided to run to get lunch at the place across the street as we didn't want to go to far from our stop. The place we went was... slightly unsavory on first impression. The options were spread all over and the customers were not he type you'd typically see in a restaurant. The bakery items looked ok though so we decided to eat there anyway. I got a bagel and a donut and they were both amazing. It was all homemade even the cream cheese on the bagel. The donut was like a pillow, like nothing I've had before. It just goes to show that good can come from strange places.
Finally the bus came and we started toward the bridge. We rode the bus to the other side of the bridge and walked back towards San Francisco. We mad it to the other side and looked at some of the science behind the bridge I hadn't seen last time. We came straight home after that as we had agreed to eat dinner with another intern from the lab. We took three different buses all from different companies plus Bart, so it was kind of like a tour of the cities public transportation options, but it was still a great day. I don't know that you could have a bad day in a city where even the unsettling bakeries have amazing food.

Sunday was the day of the hike. Tyler and I conquered the tallest of the Berkeley Hills. It was a over 2 hours uphill to get to the top of this "hill" it's only 100 feet short of being a mountain. It actually took longer to walk to the trail from our houses than to take the trail, but it was worth it to have made it up the whole hill. In total we walked 9 miles to conquer this baby mountain.
Another amazing weekend! A little bumpier than normal without Alina's guidance, but still another weekend of experiences I'll never forget.


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