Weekend 3: Second Trip to San Francisco

This weekend I got to do something that I knew I needed to do since planning my trip. Visit the location of the picnic in the opening of Full House. It was a lot different than I thought it would be. For one, I always thought the hill went up toward the buildings when it really goes down. Also, the streets out of picture aren't really where I thought they would be in relation to the camera. Because of these preconceived notions, it felt like I wasn't even in the same place though it was obvious I was. Regardless, I couldn't help but whistle the Full House theme while I was there.


According to the show, the Tanners lived in one of the painted ladies. But in reality, the house always shown as the Tanner household was about a 20 minute walk away. I've never been a huge fan of the show, but I do know that you don't see the front of the house nearly as much as you see the picnic scene, so this was only a little less amazing.

Finally, we spent some time on Ocean Beach in San Francisco. It was a beautiful day with a cool breeze... but the water was freezing; not to say I didn't have a good time. I just do not tolerate cold water. My favorite part about the beach was just being able to observe the salt water. There were huge waves that built up foam. For anyone who knows the great lakes better than any other body of water, the most unusual part has got to be the taste of salt.

So far, every excursion has shown new experiences, "everywhere you look."


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