Weekend 2: First Trip to San Francisco and Alcatraz Tour

Upon arriving in Berkeley for my internship, I certainly didn't think I would be as busy as I have been. My free time has been fairly sparse between work, sleep, and all the activities at our fingertips. In passing conversation last week, I mentioned how I would like to see Incredibles 2, but didn't know when or if anyone wanted to go. Alex and Alina immediately fired back with their interest in my proposed activity. We ended up seeing Incredibles 2 opening day, Friday, June 15th, and it was totally wicked! I hadn't had such an enjoyable time with a movie in a long time. That is a movie I definitely plan on owning in the near future.

On Saturday, we took a trip to San Francisco. This had been the first time I was there since coming from the airport. We ended up going to Chinatown to get a bite for lunch, as recommended by Alina. The restaurant we chose was Dim Sum Bistro. The menu was confusing to say the least. There were many items and little description. (This was my first experience with authentic Chinese food so I was at even more of a disadvantage.) After considering prices I settled on two veggie and meat rolls at $0.80 a piece. Not only did I get an amazing deal, with lunch for less than $2, but I was also pleasantly surprised to see the rolls exactly resembled to feature food in the short film Bao that showed before Incredibles 2 the night before.

After lunch, we took a quick trip through a festival being held near Chinatown toward Coit Tower. I'm ashamed to say I learned near nothing about the history of the tower while I was there. What I do know is that it's on a hill and it's tall. We paid to go to the top and look around. We got a good view of Alcatraz, Pier 33, Lombard Street, the Financial District, the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge, and the Golden Gate Bridge.

Immediately after visiting Coit tower, we made our way to Lombard Street. Lombard Street is famous for being an extremely "crooked" road, decorated by gardens of flowers. Some may also know it as being a featured location in one of the openings to Full House. For being as difficult of a road to manage, there was still a lot of traffic. Tourists were flooding the streets to get a good angle to take pictures. It isn't often we Ohioans think approvingly of this behavior, but "when in Rome..."

By this time, it wasn't too long until our ferry departure for Alcatraz, so we headed straight over. I think I was more excited about going to Alcatraz than any other historical site in my life. "But why?" you may ask. The answer is quite simple really; zombies. In 2013, Alcatraz was released as a zombies location for in the video game, Call of Duty: Black Ops II. I already knew what the map looked like and I really wanted to know what the real place was like. I was shocked to find that the video game location was almost one to one in terms of room layout and building structure with the real thing. It's a funny feeling when you've never been to a place in your life, but you still recognize where you are and know where you're going. Truly extraordinary.


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